RIDC has successfully accomplished various projects belonging to the sectors of Planning, transportation including roads and bridges; water supply; environmental and architecture; Optimum utilization of manpower, expertise and the resources available with the firm has enabled the company to successfully undertake the following works in various sectors of national economy within six years
RIDC has successfully undertaken many projects (nine districts) belonging to District Transportation Master Plan sector in all the diverse topographic regions of Nepal. RIDC also was involved in the preparation Rural Transport Policy. The services provided belonged to the following fields of specialization
- Collection, review and analyzing of secondary data, of existing DTMP and periodic plan of DDC.
- Organize work shop at DDC level; give orientation to representatives of local level institution about planning approach and methodology.
- Ensure precipitation of local institutions in planning process.
- Provide orientation training to field enumerators about collection of accessibility data.
- Reconnaissance /walkover survey to assess the existing situation and Identify the required intervention in transport linkage
- Assist DDC to make district standard of accessibility of services and facilities.
- Prepare and present the IDMP, DIM, Accessibility analysis, DTPP and DTMP on DRCC, DDC meetings
RIDC has successfully undertaken many projects (More than 30 roads and more than 75 bridge projects) belonging to transportation sector in all the diverse topographic regions of Nepal. The Firm is well experienced in the environment friendly survey, design, environmental assessments, social safeguard studies and planning, pre and post contract services. The services provided belonged to the following fields of specialization:
- Carry out Pre-feasibility Study, Detailed Inventory Preparation and Detailed Feasibility Studies of Highways, other Roads and Bridges
- Detailed Survey including Land Use Study, Topographic Survey, Traffic Survey, Hydrological Survey, Geological and Geotechnical Investigations, Quarry / Borrow Site Survey for Construction Material and Testing, Social and Environmental Survey, Land and Property Acquisition etc.
- Detailed Engineering Design of Rural Roads, Bridges, Construction supervision, Reconstruction, and Upgrading of Highways and Feeder Roads (Strategic Road Network); District Roads and Rural Roads
- Prepare Construction Drawings, Rate Analysis, Quantity and Cost Estimates
RIDC has provided services (more than 5 training to Government Engineers) belonging to this sector. The services provided pertain to the following fields of specialization
- Conduct Training of Client’s Staff and User Group Members
- Training/Workshop/Seminar on Environmental Impact Assessment and Monitoring
- Conduct GIS trainings
- Conducting Training through on-the-job Involvement and Support in Institutional Strengthening
- Conduct Motorable Bridge Design Trainings
RIDC has successfully undertaken many projects (More than 50 Bridges, two roads and more than 5 buildings) belonging to soil investigation sector.
RIDC has successfully undertaken many projects belonging to irrigation sector. RIDC completed the more than 20 small irrigation projects.